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Record Searches

Telephone Record Searches

Customer Name & Address
(published or non-published)
(You provide the phone number and we will give you the name and address that is registered to it.)

Disconnected CNA
(published or non-published)
(You will receive the customers name and address from an inactive number provided by you.)

Toll-Free Number
(You will receive the name and address that is registered to the number.)

Non-Published Number
(You provide us the name and address of your subject, and we will provide the non-published number.)

Residential Toll
(per month local long distance)
(You provide us with the name, address and telephone number and we will provide you with the phone numbers on the subject’s phone bill.)
With times and dates

Business Toll
(per month local long distance)
(You provide us the name of the name, address and telephone number of the business and we will provide you with the phone numbers appearing on the phone bill.)
With long distance, times and dates.  Pager/cellular available as well.

Cellular Toll
(You provide the name, address, telephone number and the cellular company of your subject and we will provide you with the phone numbers appearing on the phone bill.)
or commercial with times and dates available.

Payphone Number
(You will receive the name and address that is registered to the number.)

Utility Search

Utility Search/Non-Published Number
(With this search you will receive the current address and non-published phone number for your subject when you provide the name, social, city and state.)

Utility Search
(You provide us the name, social security number and the last known address of your subject and we will provide you with the address that your subject has current utilities.)

Miscellaneous Searches

Address Trace
(This search will provide all addresses used by your subject.)
PO Box Break
(You provide us with any address and we will provide you with specific directions.)
Aircraft Ownership
Commercial Vessel Registration
Criminal Court Filings
(national/per county)
Criminal Record Search
(South Carolina) other states as well.
Civil Court Filings
(national/per county)
Driver Licenses
DMV Search
Pilot License

Hosipital Visit Record
Local Bank Locate

Statewide Bank Locate
Nationwide Bank Locate
(Person or Business)
Statewide Bank Locate
Stock Account Locator
Credit Card or Account Transactions
Employment/Source of Income
Employment History
Full Asset Search
Credit Report
Lenders Report
Real Property
Social Security Number Identifier
Social Security Number Trace
UCC Filings
Vehicle Registrations
Voter Registration
FEIN Locate
(Returns Federal Tax ID #)
Dunn & Bradstreet Report

Physicians Report


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Copyright Wayne Freeman Investigations and Adjusting 2005
Phone: 843.567.3716 Fax: 843.567.3717